Discussion, Guest Book Log, Conversation, Write A Comment, Contact

This page is intended for something you, as reader-writer, would like to share, add, say hello, converse, upload nuance; for community, friendliness, discussion, discussion, provide discussion, comment, leave a perspective, opinion, scribble; this space is for your sharing, sharing, sharing, and or reaching out, extending; warmth.

Use the ‘send a reply,’ drop a message, a topic, an idea, an interest, a comment, a memory, an utterance, a fragment, a story, a brainstorm, a picture, an upload, anything 🙂

10 thoughts on “Discussion, Guest Book Log, Conversation, Write A Comment, Contact

  1. Just wanted to say I absolutely love your work! I am mesmerized by the multi-dimensional paths available in each piece, and totally in awe of the way you play with the words themselves (your “About” page is simply genius). I am so totally glad I was led to your site! Thanks for the inspiration, motivation, humor and intrigue… 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Yes! YES! yeS! That’s it! Yes, of course, for words are sound also and their concepts only thought-orientation harmony to the sound they are, of course with a string of sounds we get color, a sense of image, at sounds at speeds of continuous duration; then with a collision of most recently past harmonic-conceptualities infusing the present, immediate, now, as it fluxes into this oncoming, next, next moment, as a collision of harmonic-near-birth conceptuality, providing, also then, a harmonic structure through time-space, as 3rd dimensional image of the 1st dimensional reading experience–we have a complexity of before, now, and after – happening simultaneously to the un-relenting mechanisms of apprehension to these dimensional differences, while retaining (forward into the brain) comprehension – as it, as inevitable as it, affects us, providing us with our own inward-experience, that resonates only with you, as you alone, for only you will become resonate in the way you do with what outer-stimulus/input directs its way at/toward you; now that you have your own experience, your reflection, your response, a correlation of these dynamisms – what a beautiful display learning becomes.

    Liked by 1 person

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